Welcome to CareertestPro.com, the most comprehensive international career test available online!
CareertestPro.com uses a database of over 3,000 professionsand corresponding educational levels.
Taking the test will take you about 15 minutes.
The test consist of 10 Stepswith 30 questions in each step, regard to skills, work values, activities, personal behavior and professions:
Step 1 and Step 2 include questions regard to skills.
Step 3 and Step 4 - questions regard to work values.
Step 5 and Step 6 - questions regard to'activities.
Step 7 and Step 8 - questions regard to personal behavior.
Step 9 and Step 10 - questions regard to occupations (professions).
When clicking on the “Let’s Go!” button below, there will be a list of questions, which you need to answer one by one.
It’s up to you to be as accurate as possible in your answers to the statements.
Before every questionnaire there is a brief explanation
of it purpose and what action is required from you.It’s important to read the given statements carefully and follow with your intuition when answering.
After completing the test you’ll receive the report.